Refactor modules WIP
[xyz.git] / src / Prompts.hs
1 module Prompts (textPrompt, yornPrompt, dependantTextPrompt) where
3 import Prelude hiding (getLine, null, putStrLn)
4 import Control.Monad (join)
5 import Data.Text (Text, append, toLower, null, pack)
6 import Data.Text.IO (getLine, putStrLn)
8 cannotBeEmpty :: Text -> Either Text Text
9 cannotBeEmpty xs = case null xs of
10 True -> Left "Value cannot be empty"
11 False -> Right xs
13 prompt :: Text -> (Text -> Either Text a) -> IO a
14 prompt xs validate = do
15 putStrLn xs
16 response <- getLine
17 case validate response of
18 Left error -> putStrLn error >> prompt xs validate
19 Right result -> return result
21 subPrompt :: Text -> (Text -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO (Maybe (Text, a))
22 subPrompt xs showNext p = do
23 let v x = case showNext x of
24 True -> Right $ p >>= return . Just . (x ,)
25 False -> Right $ return Nothing
27 join $ prompt xs v
29 textPrompt :: Text -> IO Text
30 textPrompt xs = prompt xs cannotBeEmpty
32 dependantTextPrompt :: Text -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Text, Text))
33 dependantTextPrompt xs1 xs2 = subPrompt xs1 (not . null) $ prompt xs2 cannotBeEmpty
35 yornPrompt :: Text -> IO Bool
36 yornPrompt xs = do
37 let v x = case (toLower x) of
38 "y" -> Right True
39 "n" -> Right False
40 _ -> Left "Please answer with y or n"
41 prompt (xs `append` " (y/n):") v