[fp-lecture.git] / index.html
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97 <div id="slide-1">
98 <div class="slide-title">=<< What's up with that Title? >>=</div>
99 <div class="slide">
100 <div style="justify-content: right;">
101 <img class="shake-constant shake" src="img/wide-eyed-crazy.png" style="width: 70%; margin-right: 10%;">
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103 <div style="justify-content: left">
104 <div style="display: flex; align-items: center; width: 70%">
105 <div id="rant" class="textbox" style="display: block;height: auto; width:100%; margin-left:10%;">
106 <span class="crazy">It’s functions, </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">pure</span><span class="crazy"> functions! Pure functions and their values, PURE FUNCTIONS FOREVER AND FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">monad</span><span class="crazy">... some... things... Me and </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">monads</span><span class="crazy"> runnin' around and...</span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">applicative functor</span><span class="crazy"> time... a- all day long forever... All a - a hundred days </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">applicatives</span><span class="crazy"> and </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">functors</span><span class="crazy">! Forever a hundred times.... OVER and over </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">monad transformers</span><span class="crazy">... adventures dot com... W W W dot at </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">lambda calculus</span><span class="crazy"> and </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">category theory</span><span class="crazy"> dot com w..w..w... function composition adventures... Ah- hundred years… Every minute </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">referential… transparency</span><span class="crazy"> dot com.... w w w a hundred times... </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">composition</span><span class="crazy"> dot com...</span>
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109 </div>
110 <div>Fig 1.1 What most people thing a typical functional programming advocate looks like</div>
111 </div>
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113 <div id="slide-2">
114 <div class="slide-title">=<< Obligatory Quote >>=</div>
115 <div class="slide">
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118 <div id="slide-3">
119 <div class="slide-title">=<< Obligatory Quote >>=</div>
120 <div class="slide">
121 <div style="text-align:center; font-size:40px; text-shadow: 4px 4px #000;" >If you wish to build a ship, do not divide the men into teams and send them to the forest to cut wood. Instead, teach them to long for the vast and endless sea.</div>
122 </div>
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124 <div id="slide-4">
125 <div class="slide-title">=<< The Third Slide >>=</div>
126 <div class="slide">
127 <pre><code class="haskell textbox">Left "Hello" >>= \x -> Right "ah shit"</code></pre>
128 </div>
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