More prompts
[xyz.git] / src / Prompts.hs
1 module Prompts (entryPrompt, initPrompt, pushPrompt, editorPrompt) where
3 import Util
4 import Prelude hiding (getLine, null, putStrLn, putStr, unlines)
5 import System.IO hiding (putStr, putStrLn, getLine)
6 import Control.Monad (join, filterM)
7 import Control.Exception (finally)
8 import Data.Text (Text, unlines, append, toLower, null, pack, unpack)
9 import Data.Text.IO (getLine, putStrLn, putStr, getLine)
10 import Data.Maybe
11 import System.Process
12 import System.Exit
14 getOneText :: IO Text
15 getOneText = getChar >>= return . pack . return
17 cannotBeEmpty :: Text -> Either Text Text
18 cannotBeEmpty xs = case null xs of
19 True -> Left "Value cannot be empty"
20 False -> Right xs
22 prompt :: Text -> IO a -> (a -> Either Text b) -> IO b
23 prompt xs readerThing validate = do
24 hSetBuffering stdout $ BlockBuffering $ Just 1
25 hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
27 putStr xs
28 response <- readerThing
29 case validate response of
30 Left error -> (putStrLn $ "\x1b[31m" +++ error +++ "\x1b[0m") >> prompt xs readerThing validate
31 Right result -> return result
33 subPrompt :: IO a -> IO b -> (a -> Bool) -> IO (Maybe (a, b))
34 subPrompt p1 p2 showNext = do
35 p1 >>= (\x -> if showNext x then p2 >>= (return . Just . (x, )) else return Nothing)
37 textPrompt :: Text -> IO Text
38 textPrompt xs = prompt xs getLine Right
40 nonEmptyTextPrompt :: Text -> IO Text
41 nonEmptyTextPrompt xs = prompt xs getLine cannotBeEmpty
43 yornPrompt :: Text -> IO Bool
44 yornPrompt xs = do
45 let v x = case (toLower x) of
46 "y" -> Right True
47 "n" -> Right False
48 _ -> Left "Please answer with y or n"
49 finally (prompt (xs +++ " (y/n): ") getOneText v) $ putStr "\n"
51 listPrompt :: Text -> [Text] -> IO Text
52 listPrompt xs options = finally (putCue >> choicePrompt) $ putStr "\n"
53 where
54 cue = unlines $ map (\x -> (pack . show $ fst x) +++ ") " +++ snd x) themeList
55 putCue = putStrLn $ xs +++ "\n\n" +++ cue
56 choicePrompt = prompt ("Make your selection " +++ validRange +++ ": ") getOneText validator
57 validator x = if choice > 0 && choice <= upper
58 then Right (fromJust (lookup choice themeList))
59 else Left $ "\nPick a valid number " +++ validRange where
60 choice = read . unpack $ x
61 themeList = (zip [1..] options)
62 validRange = "(1-" +++ (pack . show $ upper) +++ ")"
63 upper = length themeList
65 dependantTextPrompt :: Text -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Text, Text))
66 dependantTextPrompt xs1 xs2 = subPrompt (textPrompt xs1) (nonEmptyTextPrompt xs2) (not . null)
68 dependantYornTextPrompt :: Text -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Bool, Text))
69 dependantYornTextPrompt xs1 xs2 = subPrompt (yornPrompt xs1) (nonEmptyTextPrompt xs2) (id)
71 entryPrompt = subPrompt entryNamePrompt videoPrompt (not . null) where
72 entryNamePrompt = nonEmptyTextPrompt "Name for this entry: "
73 videoPrompt = dependantTextPrompt "Video ID (leave blank to skip): " "Local video filename: "
75 initPrompt :: [Text] -> IO [(String, Text)]
76 initPrompt themes = fmap (zip ["name", "description", "theme"]) $ sequence prompts where
77 prompts = [
78 nonEmptyTextPrompt "Enter a name for your project: ",
79 nonEmptyTextPrompt "Enter a short description for your project: ",
80 listPrompt "\nWhich theme would you like to use?" themes
81 ]
83 editorPrompt :: IO Text
84 editorPrompt = filterM (system . unpack . (+++ " > /dev/null") . ("which " +++) >>= return . fmap codeToBool) commonEditors
85 >>= listPrompt "Which editor would you like to use? Here are some common ones I found on your system:" where
86 codeToBool x = case x of
87 ExitFailure _ -> False
88 ExitSuccess -> True
89 commonEditors = ["vi", "vim", "nano", "emacs"]
91 pushPrompt = yornPrompt "Do you want to push this entry?"