[hdmi-switcher.git] / config.ini.example
1 [global]
2 credit_value=10 ; How many seconds inserting a credit adds to the timer. Will be ignored if external timer board is used.
3 external_timer=0 ; Whether or not we are using an external timer board.
4 sync_switch=1 ; Whether or not to check the output of the HDMI switcher and keep it in sync with what it should be.
5 sync_switch_delay=5000 ; Delay (in milliseconds) to wait before checking the state of the HDMI switch after pulsing it.
6 default_switch_state=1 ; The default state of the switch circuit. If the program is started and the input from the switch is in the wrong state, it will attempt to switch it over. Onl works if sync_switch=1