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=<< Welcome to the Talk Called >>=
Wide-Eyed Crazy Functional Programming
Woo! Look at them go! If you throw on this then it's like a 2 hour dance party!
=<< Just Wait a Sec... >>=
This slide needs to be here to let the confetti settle otherwise the next slide lags even more lol... Just wait til the confetti goes away and continue.
=<< What's up with that Title? >>=
It’s functions, pure functions! Pure functions and their values, PURE FUNCTIONS FOREVER AND FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS monad... some... things... Me and monads runnin' around and...applicative functor time... a- all day long forever... All a - a hundred days applicatives and functors! Forever a hundred times.... OVER and over monad transformers... adventures dot com... W W W dot at lambda calculus and category theory dot com w..w..w... function composition adventures... Ah- hundred years… Every minute referential... transparency dot com.... w w w a hundred times... composition dot com...
Fig 1.1 What most people thing a typical functional programming advocate looks like

Wide-eyed Crazy Functional Programmers

=<< Obligatory Quote >>=
If you wish to build a ship, do not divide the men into teams and send them to the forest to cut wood. Instead, teach them to long for the vast and endless sea.

- Some French Guy. Idk. I'm not cultured. I'm Australian.

Some Framing

=<< What is this Talk About? >>=

This talk is not about:

  • Haskell
  • Convincing you to stop using whichever language you like
  • Mathematics

Teaching Violation!

=<< What is this Talk About? >>=

What It Do, Then?

=<< What is Functional Programming? >>=
Programming with functions.

Who could have guessed!

=<< What is Functional Programming? >>=
Programming with functions.

No, really. Everything is a function.
=<< What is a Function? >>=
A mapping between sets that associates every element of the first set to exactly one element of the second set.

Regarding Functions

=<< What is a Function? >>=

No equivalent constructs for:

  • For loops
  • While loops
  • Gotos
  • Variables*
  • Probably a bunch of other constructs I forgot
*In pure functional programming, there are true variables. That is, once you declare the value of a variable, you cannot change it. Contrast this with procedural languages where you can reassign a variable whenever you like.


=<< Huh? >>=
Who in their right mind would wanna do that?!

Yeah, Who? Crazies, No Doubt

=<< Huh? >>=

Why tho?

  • Learning is good
  • Brain plasticity
  • Greater perspective

Learn for Big Brain

=<< Paradigms >>=
=<< Paradigms >>=
  • Haskell
  • Elm
  • Elixir
  • Clojure
  • PHP
  • C
  • Java

The Big Two

=<< Gramatical Mood >>=
Declarative A sentence which expresses a statement of fact.
  • He runs.
  • I like climbing.
  • Ice is cold.
  • Mathieu is shredded.
Imperative A sentence which expresses instructions, or requests.
  • Shut the door.
  • Don't eat my burger.
  • Let's go to the pub.
  • Don't make eye contact with Craig.
=<< Gramatical Mood >>=
Declarative This is this.
Imperative Do this.
This is the simplest way I can think to express difference
=<< Big Brain Moment >>=
Programming languages ARE human languages.

We don't write programs for computers
We write programs for other humans

  • Unless your writing machine code or something like that...
  • =<< Why is declaritive mood good? >>=
    Independant of or unaffected by time.

    I Can See Through Time!

    =<< Why is declaritive mood good? >>=
    Declarative programs express what they actually do leaving more "brain space" to focus on solving the problem.


    =<< To Recap >>=

    Why tho?

    • Because sometimes there is such a thing as too much freedom
    • Functional programming is awesome because it stops you shooting yourself in the foot
    • "Constraints liberate, liberties constrain"
    • There are also classes of problems where the declaritive style is a more elegant way of expressing the solution
    • Some problems are very difficult to solve in an imperative way.
    • Especially when talking about events that are happening in parallel and may run at different speed/times
    • In the imperative paradigm, you quite easily come up against data races by virtue of the way the program is expressed
    • Functional programming takes away entire classes of problems by removing the "instruction words" - no more data races
    • If you ever used JavaScript before promises were a thing, I'm sure you've felt the pain
    =<< Some Code (Finally) >>=

    My favourite example


    x = x + 1;
    function repeat(x) {
        return x + repeat(x);

    OK, so what?

    In the declaritive paradigm, this code hangs while this code runs. In the imperative paradigm this code hangs, while this code runs.

    Interactive Slide!

    =<< Some Code (Finally) >>=
    x = x + 1;
    Declarative "x is the same as itself plus one."

    Complete nonsense!
    Imperative "Evaluate the thing on the right of `=` then store it in the thing on the left of `=`."

    A list of instructions that can be followed.


    =<< Some Code (Finally) >>=
    function repeat(x) {
        return x + repeat(x);
    Declarative "The repeat of `x` is `x` appended to the repeat of `x`"

    An infinite list of `x`!
    Imperative "To evaluate the repeate of `x`, first evaluate the repeat of `x`"

    ...Yeah, you see the problem?


    =<< Big Brain Moment >>=
    Programming languages ARE human languages.


    =<< Some Code (Finally) >>=

    Real Haskell code that runs

    repeat x = x ++ repeat x
    threeFs = take 3 (repeat "f")
    > "fff"
    =<< Some Code (Finally) >>=

    Real JavaScript code that hangs

    function repeat(x) {
        return x + repeat(x);
    threeFs = repeat("f").substr(0,3);
    > InternalError: too much recursion
    =<< Big Brain Moment >>=

    What did declaritive mode give us?

    • Atemporality
    • The ability to wield infinity!

    Big Brain Moment Two!

    =<< Promises >>=
    Seems like an odd tangent but let's go with it. And just as before, I'm gonna break one of the carinal rules of teaching by telling you what promises are not...
    =<< Promises >>=
    Promises do not make things asynchronous!
    =<< Promises >>=

    The real promises

    What problems do promises solve?

    • Asynchronous request management
    • Error handling for computations which may fail
    • Probably more too

    What are promises then?

    • A value (which may or may not be available yet) wrapped in some additional context
    • Functions to instantiate the wrapper (`Promise.resolve`, `Promise.reject`)
    • A rule for composing these wrapped values (`then`)
    =<< Promises >>=

    Terminology/syntax recap

    JavaScript arrow functions

    x => x + 1;
    is equivalent to:
    function(x) {
        return x+1;


    A method of combining two things of the same type in to another thing that is also of the same type

    Regarding Composition

    =<< Promises >>=

    Promise composition

    The `then` method of a promise accepts a function as an argument. This function takes a value and returns a new promise. The new promise "combines" the previous two using the "composition rule" given to `then`.
    Promise.resolve("Some value").then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " and another value")).then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " and another one!"));
    There are three promises in the above snippet. One, two, three.
    Promise.resolve("Some value").then(x => Promise.reject("It's all gone wrong")).then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " and another one!"));
    The above snippet still results in a promise, but it is a "failed" one. Any subsequent `then` after the `reject` has no effect.

    Interactive Slide!

    =<< Promises >>=

    OK great but who cares?

    • We are declaring how we want promises to compose
    • The order that the promises actually resolve their values in is not important
      • In other words, we don't have to worry about timing anymore
    • We can declare a failure anywhere in the chain

    Pls Note

    =<< Promises >>=
    This sure is starting to sound familiar.
    =<< Big Brain Moment >>=



    Promise.resolve("We start here")
        .then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " then get here"))
        .then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " and finally here!"))


    Right("We start here")
        >>= (\x -> Right (x ++ " then get here"))
        >>= (\x -> Right (x ++ " and finally here!"))

    Interactive Slide!

    =<< Big Brain Moment >>=



    Promise.resolve("We start here")
        .then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " then get here"))
        .then(x => Promise.reject("Oh noes!"))
        .then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " and finally here!"))


    Right("We start here")
        >>= (\x -> Right (x ++ " then get here"))
        >>= (\x -> Left ("Oh noes!"))
        >>= (\x -> Right (x ++ " and finally here!"))

    You Were Doing FP all Along!

    =<< Composition >>=

    The Section on Composition!

    =<< Composition >>=
    =<< Composition >>=
    If we can go from here to here
    =<< Composition >>=
    If we can go from here to here
    And we can go from here to here
    =<< Composition >>=
    If we can go from here to here
    And we can go from here to here
    Then the composition (if it exists) goes from here to here

    Coins and Pipes!

    =<< Composition >>=

    OK great but who cares?

    Big problems can often be chopped up in to smaller, easier to solve problems. If we can be clever about how we chop them up, such that the solutions to the individual problems can compose together to form a full solution, then we can infinitely speed up the process by adding more workers!
    Remember to go back to the previous slide!
    =<< Composition >>=


    • The pyramids
    • The LHC
    • McDonald's
    • Moodle!

    Composition Power!

    =<< Composition >>=
    "With these biceps I can solve ANYTHING"
    Do we get one ultimate developer to smash out the whole thing? idk about you, but I wouldn't be keen to work with this person. Check out this story.
    =<< Composition >>=

    No, you get friends to take a piece and help!



    =<< Composition >>=
    Composition is nature's greatest hack

    Why Was All that Relevant?

    =<< Composition >>=

    What's this got to do with FP?

    When writing programs (as an individual in this case, not as a group) we naturally want to break the solution up in to "building blocks" that we put together to solve the problem (it's composition again).
    The building blocks you use matter. Some compose better than others. Because of all the restrictions the functional paradigm places on the programmer (lack of mutation, lack of control flow), functions in a pure language are naturally well-suited to composition.
    This is becoming more relevant than ever in the age of parallel computing
    =<< Closing Notes >>=

    FP is awesome because:

    • By taking away convenient, but dangerous tools we are left with tools that are incredibly powerful, but more difficult to wield
    • In particular
      • Atemporality: The ability to express things independant of time
      • Infinity: Infinite recursion can't stop you now!
      • Composition: The fundamental way humans solve problems is available to you at all times
    New super powers!
    =<< Closing Notes >>=

    Very big brain thoughts:

    • We work across multiple timezones, so being able to solve problems in a time-independant way seems appealing, doesn't it?
    • Moore's law is coming to an end, now the focus is shifting to parallel computing
      • Imperative paradigms will not be the right tool for this
      • Either we'll see a shift to declaritive style programming
      • Or we'll make life hard for ourselves real fast
    • Maybe quantum mechanics is so damn confusing because at a certain point we can't decompose things anymore?
      • After all... why should The Universe conform to the way our brains want it to be...
    Thanks for participating!!