Animated cloud guy!
[fp-lecture.git] / index.html
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9 <title>Crazy Wide-Eyed Functional Programming</title>
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117 <div id="slide-0">
118 <div id="cloudguy">
119 <div style="height: 20%; text-align: center;">
120 <img style="height: 100%; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;" src="img/cloudguy.gif" />
121 <div id="cgquotes" style="width: 80%; margin: auto;">Welcome to the talk!</div>
122 </div>
123 </div>
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125 <div id="slide-1">
126 <div class="slide-title">=<< What's up with that Title? >>=</div>
127 <div class="slide">
128 <div style="justify-content: right;">
129 <img class="shake-constant shake" src="img/wide-eyed-crazy.png" style="width: 70%; margin-right: 10%;">
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131 <div style="justify-content: left">
132 <div style="display: flex; align-items: center; width: 70%">
133 <div id="rant" class="textbox" style="display: block;height: auto; width:100%; margin-left:10%;">
134 <span class="crazy">It’s functions, </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">pure</span><span class="crazy"> functions! Pure functions and their values, PURE FUNCTIONS FOREVER AND FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">monad</span><span class="crazy">... some... things... Me and </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">monads</span><span class="crazy"> runnin' around and...</span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">applicative functor</span><span class="crazy"> time... a- all day long forever... All a - a hundred days </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">applicatives</span><span class="crazy"> and </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">functors</span><span class="crazy">! Forever a hundred times.... OVER and over </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">monad transformers</span><span class="crazy">... adventures dot com... W W W dot at </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">lambda calculus</span><span class="crazy"> and </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">category theory</span><span class="crazy"> dot com w..w..w... function composition adventures... Ah- hundred years… Every minute </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">referential… transparency</span><span class="crazy"> dot com.... w w w a hundred times... </span><span class="shake-constant shake-opacity">composition</span><span class="crazy"> dot com...</span>
135 </div>
136 </div>
137 </div>
138 <div>Fig 1.1 What most people thing a typical functional programming advocate looks like</div>
139 </div>
140 </div>
141 <div id="slide-2">
142 <div class="slide-title">=<< Obligatory Quote >>=</div>
143 <div class="slide">
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146 <div id="slide-3">
147 <div class="slide-title">=<< Obligatory Quote >>=</div>
148 <div class="slide">
149 <div style="text-align:center; font-size:40px; text-shadow: 4px 4px #000;" >If you wish to build a ship, do not divide the men into teams and send them to the forest to cut wood. Instead, teach them to long for the vast and endless sea.</div>
150 </div>
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152 <div id="slide-4">
153 <div class="slide-title">=<< The Third Slide >>=</div>
154 <div class="slide">
155 <h1>JavaScript</h1>
156 <pre><code class="javascript">Promise.resolve("We start here")
157 <span class="code-friends1" onmouseenter="activateFriends(1);" onmouseleave="deactivateFriends(1);" style="display: inline-block">.then</span>(x => Promise.resolve(x + " then get here"))
158 .then(x => Promise.resolve(x + " and finally here!"))</code></pre>
159 <h1>Haskell</h1>
160 <pre><code class="haskell">Right("We start here")
161 <span class="code-friends1" onmouseenter="activateFriends(1);" onmouseleave="deactivateFriends(1);" style="display: inline-block">>>=</span> (\x -> Right (x ++ " then get here"))
162 >>= (\x -> Right (x ++ " and finally here!"))</code></pre>
163 </div>
164 </div>
165 </body>
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249 }
251 cloudGuyQuotes = [
252 "Welcome to the talk!",
253 "I hope we'll have fun exploring functional programming together!",
254 "But while we wait let's share interesting facts and anectodes :)",
255 "If you can be disgruntled, can you also be gruntled?",
256 "0.9 recurring is exactly equal to one if you think about it.",
257 "In English, the word \"ghoti\" can be pronounced as \"fish\".",
258 "Your credit card details are somewhere in Pi.",
259 "It takes 366 people to make sure two of them share a birthday, but only 23 people to ensure a 50% chance.",
260 "1729 is the best number (I checked them all).",
261 "The secret to strengh is to eat only a banana for breakfast",
262 "All of Back to the Future happened in the past.",
263 "Everything is in the future."
264 ];
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