/* More-or-less in order of priority. */\r
/* Major bug fixing */\r
--Switching modes on the main menu causes OpenITG to hang\r
+-Switching modes on the main menu causes OpenITG to hang (out-of-memory error)\r
-Figure out what the hell's up with saving USB stats\r
/* Minor bug fixing */\r
RageFileDriverCrypt.cpp RageFileDriverCrypt.h RageFileDriverPatch.cpp RageFileDriverPatch.h
Rage = $(PCRE) $(RageFile) $(RageSoundFileReaders) \
-RageBitmapTexture.cpp RageBitmapTexture.h RageDisplay.cpp RageDisplay.h RageDisplay_OGL.cpp RageDisplay_OGL.h \
+RageBitmapTexture.cpp RageBitmapTexture.h RageCryptInterface.cpp RageCryptInterface.h \
+RageCryptInterface_ITG2.cpp RageCryptInterface_ITG2.h \
+RageDisplay.cpp RageDisplay.h RageDisplay_OGL.cpp RageDisplay_OGL.h \
RageDisplay_OGL_Extensions.cpp RageDisplay_OGL_Extensions.h \
RageDisplay_Null.cpp RageDisplay_Null.h RageException.cpp RageException.h RageInput.cpp RageInput.h \
RageInputDevice.cpp RageInputDevice.h RageLog.cpp RageLog.h RageMath.cpp RageMath.h \
crypto/CryptSHA.cpp crypto/CryptSHA.h
cryptopp = \
-ITG2CryptInterface.cpp ITG2CryptInterface.h \
crypto51/algebra.cpp crypto51/algebra.h crypto51/algparam.cpp crypto51/algparam.h crypto51/argnames.h \
crypto51/asn.cpp crypto51/asn.h crypto51/config.h crypto51/cryptlib.cpp crypto51/cryptlib.h crypto51/files.cpp \
crypto51/files.h crypto51/filters.cpp crypto51/filters.h crypto51/fltrimpl.h crypto51/integer.cpp crypto51/integer.h \
/* Just create a new screen; don't do any associated cleanup. */
Screen* ScreenManager::MakeNewScreenInternal( const CString &sScreenName )
+ LOG->Debug( "ScreenManager::MakeNewScreenInternal( %s )", sScreenName.c_str() );
RageTimer t;
LOG->Trace( "Loading screen name '%s'", sScreenName.c_str() );
Screen* ScreenManager::MakeNewScreen( const CString &sScreenName )
+ LOG->Debug( "ScreenManager::MakeNewScreen( %s )", sScreenName.c_str() );
m_bZeroNextUpdate = true;
/* By default, RageSounds handles the song timer. When we change screens, reset this;
* current screens are removed. This is the only function that adds to m_ScreenStack. */
void ScreenManager::SetFromNewScreen( Screen *pNewScreen, bool Stack )
+ LOG->Debug( "ScreenManager::SetFromNewScreen()" );
if( !Stack )
void ScreenManager::SetNewScreen( const CString &sScreenName )
+ LOG->Debug( "ScreenManager::SetNewScreen( %s )", sScreenName.c_str() );
ASSERT( sScreenName != "" );
m_sDelayedScreen = sScreenName;
+ RelativePath="RageCryptInterface.cpp">\r
+ </File>\r
+ <File\r
+ RelativePath="RageCryptInterface.h">\r
+ </File>\r
+ <File\r
+ RelativePath="RageCryptInterface_ITG2.cpp">\r
+ </File>\r
+ <File\r
+ RelativePath="RageCryptInterface_ITG2.h">\r
+ </File>\r
+ <File\r
- RelativePath="ITG2CryptInterface.cpp">\r
- </File>\r
- <File\r
- RelativePath="ITG2CryptInterface.h">\r
- </File>\r
- <File\r